Monthly Archives: April 2013

Bartleby’s Cafe in Downtown Mystic

Maybe it was because it was the first really warm weekend of spring, or maybe it was just because we’ve only been in Maryland a week, but whatever the reason Nathan and I both woke up Sunday morning, missing Mystic and one of our favorite local coffee houses—Bartleby’s Cafe. Located on West Main Street, the

Bartleby’s Cafe in Downtown Mystic2013-04-09T09:50:21-04:00

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Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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