Monthly Archives: May 2013

Is Your State A Locavore?

Appetizers at a Dinners at the Farm dinner. Strolling of the Heifers recently released a list the ranks states in terms of commitment to local foods.  The states were ranked using data that included: farmers markets, community-support agriculture operations, food hubs and consumers’ interest in eating locally-sourced foods. Vermont ranked first and Texas

Is Your State A Locavore?2013-05-06T12:23:43-04:00

2013 Dirty Dozen List Released

Apples, celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, hot peppers, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, spinach, strawberries, and sweet bell peppers. Those all seem like healthy foods, but according to the recently released Environmental Working Group 2013 list of pesticides concentrations in produce, those fruits and vegetables aren’t so healthy. If you want to avoid eating produce with a

2013 Dirty Dozen List Released2013-05-06T12:14:04-04:00

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