Monthly Archives: November 2013

Holiday wine pairing guide

Holiday gatherings never feel complete without wine but deciding what type of wine to serve can be overwhelming. When pairing wine the first thing to remember is that there are no wrong choices. It’s your gathering after all so if you want to serve your favorite bottle of Chianti or only wines from your local vineyard go for

Holiday wine pairing guide2013-11-13T12:29:33-05:00

Sunday Morning Croissants

Sundays are low-key. It's the day we sleep-in, try not to make overly ambitious plans and run errands. It's a day that starts like most days do, walking the dog, but unlike weekdays we walk to get coffee and then return to house to finish coffee while eating pains au chocolat. We take slow bits

Sunday Morning Croissants2013-11-03T11:40:51-05:00

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Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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