Monthly Archives: December 2013

Chesapeake oysters making their way back on menus

If you live near the Chesapeake Bay and there are oysters are on your holiday party menu you may be in for a surprise. Your oysters may actually be local for the first time in a long while. For years, finding Chesapeake Bay Oysters has been a challenge. Over-harvesting, disease and pollution hurt oyster beds

Chesapeake oysters making their way back on menus2014-01-13T15:28:50-05:00

America’s favorite seafood often isn’t inspected

Americans love their shrimp. We ate close to four pounds of it per person in 2012, according to the National Fisheries Institute. And if you're heading to a holiday party this season, you may even find yourself reaching for shrimp cocktail. But that shrimp you're eating likely isn't local. As much as 85 percent of the shrimp we eat is

America’s favorite seafood often isn’t inspected2014-01-13T16:20:50-05:00

The year of simplicity in dining

Simplicity is the word for dining in Washington, D.C. At least in the coming year. As 2013, comes to close many restaurants are already beginning to create new dishes for the New Year and the overarching theme seems to be a return to the classics. While the food scene in the District is continuing to

The year of simplicity in dining2013-12-12T12:08:11-05:00

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