Monthly Archives: July 2014

There’s a venomous fish we should all be eating

Photo by Jayhem via Flickr Dear honeymooners in the Bahamas, The next time you find yourself on a snorkeling expedition, watch your back. If you spot one of those beautiful lionfish (a.k.a. Pterois) and are quickly trying to adjust your underwater camera for a snap, don’t bother. Yea, it looks pretty, like an aquatic version of those furry beasts at a Siegfried

There’s a venomous fish we should all be eating2014-07-01T19:35:53-04:00

When to opt for organic

Every time we go to buy food, we’re faced with the choice of whether or not to buy organic. The USDA’s National Organic Program requires food labeled as organic be free of chemicals, pesticides, sewage, sludge, and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and that the food be produced in a way that promotes ecological balance and

When to opt for organic2014-07-01T19:20:52-04:00

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