Monthly Archives: September 2015

Postcard from Panama: Will travel for chocolate

Clomping through the jungle our guide leads us to a little shack. Shack is charitable. Really, it’s just a small wooden shed that doesn’t look as if it would survive a good gust of wind. Inside is a space no bigger than a closet, not the walk-in-kind. It’s here in this remote area in Central America

Postcard from Panama: Will travel for chocolate2015-09-23T16:26:33-04:00

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Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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