How pretty are these pink pearl apples?  I’m so excited my profile on @alizajsokolow the photographer behind this stunning pic is up now on @civileats. Through her photos Aliza hopes to bring attention to the work of farmers: “They’re such heroes of mine.” Read more on @civileats (link bio) and for more on the people behind our food and pink pearl apples check out Aliza’s Insta @alizajsokolow. ..#pinkpearlapple #civileats #farmers #goodnewsfriday #apples

I’m so excited my profile on Aliza Sokolow, the photographer behind this stunning pic is up now on Civil Eats. Through her photos Aliza hopes to bring attention to the work of farmers: “They’re such heroes of mine.” Read the story on Civil Eats and for more on the people behind our food and pink pearl apples check out Aliza’s Insta @alizajsokolow.