
Guide to weekend dining in Washington, DC

Weekends are made for eating. And not just eating but actually stopping to savor your food.  It’s the chance you get to linger over brunch, sharing good food and warm drinks with friends and family. Luckily, for those of use in the Washington, D.C., there is a plethora of places to dine. My House or

Guide to weekend dining in Washington, DC2013-10-07T16:10:32-04:00

Strawberry-Lemon Mojito

Strawberry-Lemon Mojito with rum, muddled lemon, fresh mint, strawberry puree, agave and a splash of club soda from Zengo Test Kitchen: Hong Kong to San Juan.

Strawberry-Lemon Mojito2013-08-05T16:34:36-04:00

Crispy Fried Fish

Crispy Fried Fish with Malanga puree, black bean vinaigrette and watercress salad from the Zengo Test Kitchen: Hong Kong to San Juan

Crispy Fried Fish2013-08-05T16:32:57-04:00

Hong Kong Roast Chicken

Hong Kong Roast Chicken with Shaoxing wine, “moros y cristianos” from the Zengo Test Kitchen: Hong Kong to San Juan.

Hong Kong Roast Chicken2013-08-05T16:35:27-04:00

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