
Catching up over cookie dough with Kristen Tomlan

Some of my favorite childhood memories are of baking cookies with my mom (and licking the raw batter leftover in the mixing bowl.) So, naturally I was curious when Kristen Tomlan opened, D?, a cookie dough scoop shop in 2017. Her safe-to-eat raw cookie dough served like an ice cream cone quickly became an Instagram

Catching up over cookie dough with Kristen Tomlan2019-10-09T09:20:09-04:00

The New Form of Payment

image: remains On a basic level, your salary is simple—the transfer of money from your company to you in exchange for the work you provide. But increasingly employees are placing value on another form of payment that is harder to measure, challenging for employers to give and creating angst among the generations. Time.

The New Form of Payment2016-03-10T15:47:55-05:00

7 Ways to Reduce Food Waste

It should be easy enough to not waste food. You buy what you want, make only enough to eat and use it all or store it properly before it goes bad. The reality is a bit different. According to the USDA about 30-40 percent of food in the US goes to waste each year. That’s

7 Ways to Reduce Food Waste2016-02-10T13:28:47-05:00

Left My Heart in Bocas

SONY DSC Off the mainland on Panama’s Caribbean Coast lies the remote and magical archipelago of Bocas del Toro. This is a traveler’s paradise and getting there is a hike, but then that’s true of almost all the best places. The journey from all over the world meets on Isla Colón, the main island

Left My Heart in Bocas2016-02-10T13:34:39-05:00

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Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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